The Healthy Vibe Bodega

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It's that time of year again...

New Year, New You?  Get it, boo!

I am here for it , here for you.


Maybe you've wondered where I've been.... on a journey to a NEW me.  Sounds cliché, I know, but it's the truth. Just like some of you, I'm on that "New me...” wave…  minus the new year.  

The New Year is a great time to re-evaluate life and make “resolutions.” I've made resolutions in the past, but they always tend to fade away, much sooner than I'd like them to. Sound familiar? But what exactly is a resolution? Resolution is defined as - the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.  I think that’s the ‘problem’ right there – attempting to solve a problem, fix an issue, that can have a negative connotation. I don’t know about you but I get tired of feeling like I’m always fixing something and that’s why I quit or give up. I prefer goals. I prefer having something to aim for, being results driven. Now doesn’t that sound much better? Shit, it does to me; goals over resolutions, a positive over a negative.

I set one goal recently and that is simply to be healthy. That might sound simple, might sound like a small goal. Except, it’s far from small, it’s huge to me. Being healthy is more than what I eat or how often I exercise. Healthy is also the conversations I have with myself, about myself. Healthy is the conversations I choose to engage in and the energy I allow to enter my space. My healthy starts from the inside out, from the head down. It’s the complete body – mind, body and spirit.

So instead of setting a goal to lose weight I am setting a goal to take better care of me. I am waking up earlier to mediate, pray and talk to God before I start my day. I am speaking to myself with love, the way I speak to others. I am telling myself words of affirmations (writing them down + putting them in visible sight). I am reading more, journaling more, sharing more of myself with others who need me. I am saying yes to more opportunities and no without explanation, to people who try to disrupt my peace. I am choosing to eat better, move daily, that is what I mean when I say “healthy.”

As far as dropping some pounds, well that’s a byproduct of the above. If I am taking care of me in my entirety, it’s only natural that I’m going to shed this weight – still not my goal, I’m just trying to breathe better! I’m so serious!

Whether you decided to make a New Year’s Resolution or set to some goals for yourself, you need to make sure to be consistent.  I struggle with consistency. I struggle with always finding motivation so I am focusing on being disciplined. Each day may not turn out how you planned or expected it to be and you know what? That’s okay!  If you feel like you fucked up today, don’t go to bed with regret or disappointment, tomorrow is another day. Evaluate your day and make some adjustments tomorrow. But please do not beat yourself up over a moment that has passed and you can no longer change. We not doing that in 2018, baby!

Remember great things take time. Stop trying to rush through life and learn to grow through it. That’s how you become a better version of you

Here’s to a new day, a new you!

P.S. To everyone that has journeyed with me over these last few years, THANK YOU!  To everyone who reached out during my dark time, just know that you were a source of light and I appreciate you. I love each and every single one of you. Now lets make 2018 great! Feel free to share your goals below. 


Carey Adela