Rock Bottom is Still a Steady Foundation

What do you do when you've hit rock bottom, you gained a ton of weight and fallen into a deep depression? You get back up and you keep on fighting

Often times when we are faced with challenges or mess up/fall down, we view it as failure because we had an expectation that everything was supposed to go the way we planned-smoothly and without any obstacles. But aren't there bumps, turns, curves and even road blocks in the road? Have you ever traveled a straight and narrow path? I know I never have! And life is just that, a journey filled with many uneasy, bumpy roads. Sometimes we may even get lost. But that doesn't mean its the end.  What makes us successful in this journey called life is that we get up each and every time we fall and we continue to fight.  

Recently, I found myself stuck in a depression. For the last 4 weeks I ate every single feeling and emotion. I ate when instead of dealing with life. I ate when I wasn't hungry. I ate like my stomach was a bottomless pit.  I gained 15 lbs in 3 weeks and feel like crap. I started having difficulty breathing, chest pains, joint pains, swollen feet and feeling uncomfortable walking. I'm sure you're probably thinking its only 15 pounds, right? It's much more than that for me. Carrying excess weight is like baggage. When I have too many bags I am weighed down.  I am at a point where i am ready to let go of it all. I am tired physically, mentally and emotionally. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Today this all changes.  

Enough is enough. No more whining it's time to work. That pitty party for 1 was pretty lonely ha ha. Today I started an 8 week challenge with FBF Fitness and I have decided to document each and every step through this blog and share them with you all.  

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xoxo -CareyAdela
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